In 2020, many people are beginning homeschooling for many different reasons! Regardless of your reason to start homeschooling, having a vision with purpose and goals will help you get the most out of your homeschooling experience and bring joy to it as well! I believe that establishing a vision and purpose is essential – and among many other benefits, will help you keep to your course when the days are difficult. I suggest getting away alone with a cup of iced tea and your Bible, pray for God’s vision for your children and family, and ask yourself some questions such as….
1. What are some Biblical principles for parents that you can apply to home education?
2. How can I best bring up my children in the training and instruction of the Lord?
3. What does God want me to teach my children?
4. What shouldn’t be taught to my children?
5. What are some advantages of homeschooling? Spiritual, Character, Academic, Social, Family, Other….
6. What do I desire my child to be like when he/she has completed his/her formal education?
7. How do I build a homeschool that will honor God and accomplish his purposes in my child and my family?
Write the answers to these questions, and sum up your vision/purpose in writing. It doesn’t have to be perfect, and you can always add to it or change it. Put it where you keep your records, and allow it to be a reminder and help for you when you are scheduling your day, choosing your curriculum, working on character in your children (and yourself 😉), and living this exciting adventure with all of its ups and downs. This exercise was essential for me, and gave me vision that guided my decisions throughout the entirety of my children’s schooling years. This valuable tip could very well make the biggest difference in your homeschool journey!
Here is a list of some scripture verses to get you started if you’d like to check them out…
Deut 6:5-7, Eph 6:4, Deut 4:9, Pro 1:7, Col 2:3, Ps 1:2, Rom 12:2, Col 3:2, Pro 19:27, 1 Cor 13:1-13